What you need
Phone with internet connection/bluetooth
1. Download & Install the Auto Agent App. The AutoAgent app is available for most mobile devices. It may require that your mobile device has been updated to the most recent OS.
2. From the Auto Agent app, select ‘create an account’. You will need to verify that your email address is valid upon creation.
3. Turn your key all the way over to the run position without starting the vehicle. This will boot your vehicle’s engine computer allowing the Auto Agent to communicate with it. If you have a push-to-start vehicle, you should press the ‘Start’ button till it is in the run position. DO NOT START THE VEHICLE
4. With the key in the ‘Run’ position, plug your AutoAgent into your vehicle’s On Board Diagnostics OBDII port. You can verify that it has booted correctly when you see that a blue and green light is illuminating from the device.
5. Navigate to the WiFi settings of your mobile device and select the ‘EZLYNK_####’ network. A check mark will appear next to the network name when you have successfully connected. The Auto Agent also allows you to connect via Bluetooth.
6. After you’ve successfully connected, you can navigate back to the Auto Agent app. You should now be able to see your vehicle gauges. It's time to link your device with your technician. Under the 'Technicians’ menu, on the top right corner of the app select ‘+’ then enter the email of the technician you have selected for tunes. For us it will be sales@ocdiesel.ca.
Proceed to the second step of the lynking process by entering all vehicle modifications done to the truck in order for the correct tunes to properly be built.
7. After your vehicle has been linked, you’re ready to install your custom tunes. Navigate to ‘Vehicle’ > ‘ECU Profiles’. Here you can view the list of tunes that are available to you for your application. Tap the ‘cloud’ button to download your desired tune, then select ‘Install’ and follow the prompts to complete the programming steps.